Oranges Toolkit
Building mental and emotional agility
The Oranges Toolkit builds individual and organisational well-being and performance through the practical application of neuroscience and positive psychology.
Born out of Camp Quality, where volunteers and employees were burning out from the impact of supporting people through their trauma, the Oranges Toolkit developed a program to train and build mental resilience: Optimism, Resilience, Attitude, Now, Gratitude, Emotions, Strengths, (ORANGES).
Despite being hard-nosed and science-based, the training is fun. Involving. Quirky, even. We needed to keep the informal zestful agility, and add some evidenced-based, ROI, credibility.
The Oranges Toolkit rebrand was a pro bono project by Folk.
The previous visual identity relied heavily (solely) on orange-as-fruit, not unreasonably.
We squeezeed in a reference from the old logo into the new; a distinctly robust and upbeat headline font; and concise and surprising language, to create something that looks and feels (and is) good for you.
Something seriously refreshing.
We emphasised the thought of it as training – for the brain – introducing a seven-lane ‘running track’ graphic device.
The device interacts with trainees, adding energy and activity – often in an Escher-like way (a nod to the intangible nature of the mind).
Find out more about Oranges Toolkit programs for you or your organisation here.