An eye to a better future
Welcoming Louise Helliwell as a Partner and co-owner at Folk
In rather exciting news I’m super-stoked to welcome Louise Helliwell as a Partner at Folk, joining me as a co-owner.
Over the last four years, Lou has been leading the way in practice development as Experience Design Director – growing good people and leading inspiring and impactful work, always with an eye to a better future.
She’s been a driving force in diversity and inclusion at Folk and leads our engagement with the Diversity Council of Australia. She’s established our Sustainable Futures impact area and has been a strong voice on issues such as unconscious bias in design.
On top of her day job, Lou’s spent the last 12 months in the Future London Academy Executive Program for Design Leaders. With 30 other design leaders from across the world and multiple disciplines, Lou has been travelling to London and San Francisco to learn from some of the top agencies, businesses, start-ups and product companies.
What Lou is bringing back into the business can only mean more good things to come at Folk – for our strategic design practice, for our people and for the clients and communities we’re working with to create positive impact.